Saturday, April 18, 2009
First, I just want to personally thank everyone that helped spread the word and share the video with the youtube community. Some people may see that video and the support as a negative thing, but I completely disagree. That video brought out the REAL youtube community and the community came together to try to help keep something that we all enjoyed around for a while.
Many of us have spent years on the site and never made a dime off of it. We make videos because we enjoy it. That is what came out this last week, the passion for people to still share their work with the youtube community. Some people never get why I do what I do and why I make videos like this. I do it so that the next guy can have a shot at success. I have already had some decent success at building an audience. There is nothing like it.
I remember when the very first person subscribed to my channel, I felt like “ok at least one person thinks my video was not horrible.” I think most people are a little bit nervous when they start making videos wondering if people will like them or not. The thing that frustrates me the most is the simple fact that I know that if I were to start a channel today and make the very same videos, no one would ever see them and I would be thinking that there was something wrong with my work and that they really were not any good.
I was lucky to have started when I did. I was part of the last wave of users that actually had their fate decided by the users. Now I see that the way things are changing here on youtube, that you no longer will have your fate determined by the community. If you have any shot at all, it will be because you have insane talent or they just happen to like you. That is pretty much it.
I need to clarify a few things from my last video, for the record. Some things may have been taken out of context or simply misunderstood.
#1: Yes, I think we all understand that youtube is a business; they need to make money, but keep in mind that many sites like facebook, myspace, blip and revver all provide services for free and don’t treat their own users like they are a burden. So to act like youtube, is doing the world a favor for having this site, is flat out ignorant. Do you have any idea how many sites, right now, would give anything to be in youtube’s position? All of them! They might actually know how to make it profitable. So quit telling me these sob stories, about how they are losing money. Other companies are providing free services, to their customers, and they actually show their customers respect, unlike youtube.
Youtube has some big partners they take care of, but not once in 2 years and over 250 videos, have they ever tried to even get back to me on any issue. THIS WHOLE MESS RIGHT NOW COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED HAD THEY SHOWN SOME RESPECT FOR THEIR OWN CUSTOMERS! It is that simple! I think most of us can be pretty understanding if we are treated with a little respect.
If you notice, those 2 videos are still flagged as well. It is almost like a war of wills with them and they just can’t admit when they are wrong. Just go to both of those videos and read the comments, virtually every one of them is bitching at youtube for allowing them to be flagged, yet they are still flagged.
I am one of the lucky ones. Many people have lost their videos completely and youtube could have embraced the community a lot more than they have. Is it really that hard to reply to an email? Not once have I ever heard back from them when I contacted them regarding any real issue. I even sent an email to youtube, after the Viacom vs You video went viral, but never heard back from them. I really hope you check out this video “Who is to blame” and “DMCA Reform” after you read this, to put this all into perspective.
#2: This is very important, I don’t care if every corporation on the planet has a channel on youtube. The only thing I ask is that they are not plastered all over the site, giving them an unfair advantage over the other video makers. That is why youtube has advertisements, in the first place.
If they make it to the top of any lists, because their videos are good, more power to them. There is nothing wrong with that, but just shoving them on the popular page 24/7 is what bothers most of us. My point, all along, is that the community should be the ones to decide: what rises on youtube and what falls off of its lists. Is that so hard to understand? I am not against business. I am against having a race with someone, and giving me running shoes, and giving these businesses a Ferrari. Who do you think will win with that type of advantage? They have all the content in the world, and they should be able to rise to the top, without all these features and popular plants, on the youtube’s most viewed front page.
#3: This last video had nothing to do with Hulu being a bad thing. There is nothing wrong, with hulu as a website, and I congratulate them on having a site that is working, and is entertaining people. This was NEVER, meant to be an attack, on Hulu in any way, so please, STOP sending them, any kind of hate mail.
And No, they did not ask me to say this, or contact me in any way. This is about youtube, not hulu. Had it not been for this article, putting the two together, I would never have thought to associate the two. I really don’t watch, that much TV programming or go to Also, if some people thought that youtube was going to self destruct and the world was going to end when the changes took place, that is not what I said at all.
I said they were phasing us out of youtube, Phasing definition “phase out - To bring or come to an end, one stage at a time,” not pressing a delete button. I have watched, first hand, many channels, video views, go way down in the last 6 months. If you look at most of the non-partner channels, you will see that is true. I also never said youtube was going anywhere, I said “you” were.
#4: Finally, please do not mirror my video hulu tube on youtube anymore. At this point it is becoming spam and none of us want that. So please tell everyone that the point has been made, and the video gained attention for an issue that was obviously very important to may users.
Also again, no youtube did not contact me, and ask me to say this. The sad thing is, youtube has still never ever contacted me about any of these discretions about the site.
I do want to take a moment to thank all the people that help spread the word again, and let people know that you care about this site, and the direction it was headed. I will do a full proper video on this later.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Face of Ignorance:
Normally I don’t bother getting involved with the bottom feeders, but this one time I will make an exception, because this guy has been begging for it for years. His ignorance has been infecting his viewer’s monitors for way to long.
The main reason why I never bothered with this imbecile before was because he is just that, an imbecile. It wouldn’t even be a fair to go after someone like this. This is like kicking over little kids and taking their lunch money. In a way, knowing he is on the other side of an issue is much like a badge of honor. You would never want him on the same side as you in a debate. If he were to agree with me the first thing I would do is re-evaluate things to make sure I thought it through to make sure I didn’t miss something.
As you all know I made a video illustrating point by point how youtube has systematically slowed down the growth of non-partners while enhancing their chosen mega partners like Fred. I have links to all this on my website. This is all documented and it was done step by step to illustrate how this is happening and how a channel like Fred grew so fast. There is a reason why it took Smosh almost 2 years to reach 100,000 subscribers and it only took Fred only 26 days to reach that mark. It is not because of talent and everyone knows it. That is why so many people hate that character and that channel. I personally don’t care about another channel being successful, I only care that we ALL have the chance to succeed or fail on youtube.
Speaking of fail, that brings me back to this youtuber. So in the video I made I clearly stated that they were phasing you out of youtube. I never said this was the death of youtube. I said they were “taking the you out of youtube”. Yet Einstein goes on and on throwing a tantrum for around 8 minutes or so, almost wetting himself, getting all worked up because he has the attention span of a housefly. It is not his fault some people only have the mind of a small child. His main problem is that he actually thinks he has some sort of intelligence. That is the scary thing. He hears 3 or 4 words from a paragraph and he thinks he is smart enough to fill in all the blanks. He was probably on his third pizza of the day sitting there like all the other lame haters looking for a way to feel important. So he stumbles across my video and then proceeds to miss the whole point of the video and then act like some sort of expert on the subject. This is the very same person that was sniffing around Oprah when she came on the site trying to get her attention somehow. Needless to say she could see that he was a loser and didn’t have anything to do with him. Yeah, what a shock! She had on Esmee Denters and some other people on the whole youtube show. Not him. Sucking up doesn’t work unless you have talent. That is why he has been on the downhill slide for so long. Sure it is fun for others to watch, but I am just as sure it is not as fun being the one going down hill in front of the whole community while you try your best to appear relevant. Like a boxer that just wont quit, not knowing all they will ever be is the guy that gets knocked out to give the contender another win.
So lets get back to this whole Oprah thing for a minute. What Einstein failed to comprehend for the umpteenth time back then was that people were not mad that Oprah was on youtube, they were mad that she basically took over the front page and booted everyone else off! Just tying to get logic through this guys head is damn near an impossibility.
Just in case my own views were never stated clearly, and I have to do this because people like this roam the world and we have to spoon feed them information or they will just miss the point again and again. I don’t care if every corporation that ever existed gets a youtube channel. That is perfectly fine by me. What I have a problem with, and most people have a problem with, is that we all have a problem when youtube shoves them down our throat. They have saturated the youtube website with the popular page having Fred on there nonstop and all over the rest of the site. So is it that hard to figure out that some channels are clearly getting preferential treatment and others are getting buried? This has been painfully obvious to so many users, yet some people can’t figure it out.
Then we go to his channel and see what types of videos he has. Lets take a look at some of these titles. First we have “Boobs are fantastic” and “war of the thumbnail cheats” Keep in mind this is coming from an expert on that subject. This person is worse than some 14 year old that just hit puberty except this comes off incredibly creepy since he looks over 40. I am seriously surprised he doesn’t have a dozen restraining orders on him right now after seeing these videos.
This is what happens when a “never should have been” accidentally becomes “a has been” because of the lack of sheer competition. The only reason why anyone knows of him is because he was around long before youtube became popular and now look at him. Fading away into oblivion. No one really cares what he has to say. The only way he ever received any real views was to use thumbnail cheats in his videos. When people saw “the face of ignorance” himself in the video, they quickly tuned out. The view discrepancy is undeniable. Some of his videos are sitting at one fifth of his subscribers or less.
He also bashed people for asking their subscribers to rate and comment on their videos because that is how the community supports the channels they are subscribed to, yet he himself used thumbnail cheats to gain views from people who wanted nothing to do with him. So by this logic, he finds it much worse to ask people that enjoy the video to subscribe, rate and comment, than to bait and switch viewers. Imagine you see an image of a pretty girl and you click on the video and there is a fat slob rambling about boobs. I assure you that this never crossed his feeble mind. The irony of his stupidly is actually quite amazing. Most people who are actually this dumb don’t go flapping their mouths about how dumb and hypocritical they actually are. This one is a rare one. He wants to scream from the highest mountain top as loud as he can that “I am a moron damn it, LISTEN TO ME!!!!” Meanwhile it is all we can do to try and ignore him as best we can as to not pollute ourselves with this type of idiocy. There is an old saying “it is better to close your mouth and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Clearly this person is the best living example I have ever seen in real life. Normally this is a sorry character in a “B rate” movie, but thanks to the Internet we can see that a person like this does exist and his home is on youtube trying to beg for any scraps he can from youtube’s kitchen table.
The small mindedness is only compounded because people actually think this imbecile makes some sense. I don’t know how, but clearly they say that the education system has not been that effective and hence many of those people actually think he has some insight into almost any subject.
He leeches off of one of the great characters in the 90’s and tries to associate himself with that because he thinks he will be cool by people having people associating himself with that character. Except for one thing, that character never talks unless he actually has something important to say. This sorry excuse for a bad copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of that person literally never shuts up and at this point I don’t think I have ever heard him say anything of importance.
This person’s character has also been seriously in question. I will not go into all the details on it, but I am actually surprised he has the nerve to show his face around the Internet after what he has been accused of. I have all the videos on it archived as well so it is not something that I have not seen, or that I do not have in my possession. I never initiate an argument. That is for the small-minded people. I also find nothing better than a good discussion amongst people who have something to offer. Unfortunately this person has nothing to offer accept his own ignorance and hypocrisy. Who needs to absorb anymore of that than is necessary.
I won’t mention this person by name because there is no need to subject people to this kind of ignorance. This kind of ignorance is all over the world. Now we can just put a face on that ignorance and this image here, is the new “face of ignorance”. He is carrying that torch proudly for all to see.
The best part about typing all this is so that someone will have to read all this to him. That is another reason not to do a video on it. Why pollute youtube with any more of his ignorance than it already has. This post was not for him, for he is hopeless. This is for all the people that listen to his ignorance and for the people that can actually form their own thoughts. If after reading this you agree with him, that is fine with me. This is just the other side of the story for clarification.
Why such a long response, well this is two years in the making and I have minded my own business that whole time never once starting an argument with him or any other youtuber. So this was LONG overdue for this guy. I figure “say it once and say it right.” This is something that this person has never experienced in his life.
Normally I don’t bother getting involved with the bottom feeders, but this one time I will make an exception, because this guy has been begging for it for years. His ignorance has been infecting his viewer’s monitors for way to long.
The main reason why I never bothered with this imbecile before was because he is just that, an imbecile. It wouldn’t even be a fair to go after someone like this. This is like kicking over little kids and taking their lunch money. In a way, knowing he is on the other side of an issue is much like a badge of honor. You would never want him on the same side as you in a debate. If he were to agree with me the first thing I would do is re-evaluate things to make sure I thought it through to make sure I didn’t miss something.
As you all know I made a video illustrating point by point how youtube has systematically slowed down the growth of non-partners while enhancing their chosen mega partners like Fred. I have links to all this on my website. This is all documented and it was done step by step to illustrate how this is happening and how a channel like Fred grew so fast. There is a reason why it took Smosh almost 2 years to reach 100,000 subscribers and it only took Fred only 26 days to reach that mark. It is not because of talent and everyone knows it. That is why so many people hate that character and that channel. I personally don’t care about another channel being successful, I only care that we ALL have the chance to succeed or fail on youtube.
Speaking of fail, that brings me back to this youtuber. So in the video I made I clearly stated that they were phasing you out of youtube. I never said this was the death of youtube. I said they were “taking the you out of youtube”. Yet Einstein goes on and on throwing a tantrum for around 8 minutes or so, almost wetting himself, getting all worked up because he has the attention span of a housefly. It is not his fault some people only have the mind of a small child. His main problem is that he actually thinks he has some sort of intelligence. That is the scary thing. He hears 3 or 4 words from a paragraph and he thinks he is smart enough to fill in all the blanks. He was probably on his third pizza of the day sitting there like all the other lame haters looking for a way to feel important. So he stumbles across my video and then proceeds to miss the whole point of the video and then act like some sort of expert on the subject. This is the very same person that was sniffing around Oprah when she came on the site trying to get her attention somehow. Needless to say she could see that he was a loser and didn’t have anything to do with him. Yeah, what a shock! She had on Esmee Denters and some other people on the whole youtube show. Not him. Sucking up doesn’t work unless you have talent. That is why he has been on the downhill slide for so long. Sure it is fun for others to watch, but I am just as sure it is not as fun being the one going down hill in front of the whole community while you try your best to appear relevant. Like a boxer that just wont quit, not knowing all they will ever be is the guy that gets knocked out to give the contender another win.
So lets get back to this whole Oprah thing for a minute. What Einstein failed to comprehend for the umpteenth time back then was that people were not mad that Oprah was on youtube, they were mad that she basically took over the front page and booted everyone else off! Just tying to get logic through this guys head is damn near an impossibility.
Just in case my own views were never stated clearly, and I have to do this because people like this roam the world and we have to spoon feed them information or they will just miss the point again and again. I don’t care if every corporation that ever existed gets a youtube channel. That is perfectly fine by me. What I have a problem with, and most people have a problem with, is that we all have a problem when youtube shoves them down our throat. They have saturated the youtube website with the popular page having Fred on there nonstop and all over the rest of the site. So is it that hard to figure out that some channels are clearly getting preferential treatment and others are getting buried? This has been painfully obvious to so many users, yet some people can’t figure it out.
Then we go to his channel and see what types of videos he has. Lets take a look at some of these titles. First we have “Boobs are fantastic” and “war of the thumbnail cheats” Keep in mind this is coming from an expert on that subject. This person is worse than some 14 year old that just hit puberty except this comes off incredibly creepy since he looks over 40. I am seriously surprised he doesn’t have a dozen restraining orders on him right now after seeing these videos.
This is what happens when a “never should have been” accidentally becomes “a has been” because of the lack of sheer competition. The only reason why anyone knows of him is because he was around long before youtube became popular and now look at him. Fading away into oblivion. No one really cares what he has to say. The only way he ever received any real views was to use thumbnail cheats in his videos. When people saw “the face of ignorance” himself in the video, they quickly tuned out. The view discrepancy is undeniable. Some of his videos are sitting at one fifth of his subscribers or less.
He also bashed people for asking their subscribers to rate and comment on their videos because that is how the community supports the channels they are subscribed to, yet he himself used thumbnail cheats to gain views from people who wanted nothing to do with him. So by this logic, he finds it much worse to ask people that enjoy the video to subscribe, rate and comment, than to bait and switch viewers. Imagine you see an image of a pretty girl and you click on the video and there is a fat slob rambling about boobs. I assure you that this never crossed his feeble mind. The irony of his stupidly is actually quite amazing. Most people who are actually this dumb don’t go flapping their mouths about how dumb and hypocritical they actually are. This one is a rare one. He wants to scream from the highest mountain top as loud as he can that “I am a moron damn it, LISTEN TO ME!!!!” Meanwhile it is all we can do to try and ignore him as best we can as to not pollute ourselves with this type of idiocy. There is an old saying “it is better to close your mouth and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Clearly this person is the best living example I have ever seen in real life. Normally this is a sorry character in a “B rate” movie, but thanks to the Internet we can see that a person like this does exist and his home is on youtube trying to beg for any scraps he can from youtube’s kitchen table.
The small mindedness is only compounded because people actually think this imbecile makes some sense. I don’t know how, but clearly they say that the education system has not been that effective and hence many of those people actually think he has some insight into almost any subject.
He leeches off of one of the great characters in the 90’s and tries to associate himself with that because he thinks he will be cool by people having people associating himself with that character. Except for one thing, that character never talks unless he actually has something important to say. This sorry excuse for a bad copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of that person literally never shuts up and at this point I don’t think I have ever heard him say anything of importance.
This person’s character has also been seriously in question. I will not go into all the details on it, but I am actually surprised he has the nerve to show his face around the Internet after what he has been accused of. I have all the videos on it archived as well so it is not something that I have not seen, or that I do not have in my possession. I never initiate an argument. That is for the small-minded people. I also find nothing better than a good discussion amongst people who have something to offer. Unfortunately this person has nothing to offer accept his own ignorance and hypocrisy. Who needs to absorb anymore of that than is necessary.
I won’t mention this person by name because there is no need to subject people to this kind of ignorance. This kind of ignorance is all over the world. Now we can just put a face on that ignorance and this image here, is the new “face of ignorance”. He is carrying that torch proudly for all to see.
The best part about typing all this is so that someone will have to read all this to him. That is another reason not to do a video on it. Why pollute youtube with any more of his ignorance than it already has. This post was not for him, for he is hopeless. This is for all the people that listen to his ignorance and for the people that can actually form their own thoughts. If after reading this you agree with him, that is fine with me. This is just the other side of the story for clarification.
Why such a long response, well this is two years in the making and I have minded my own business that whole time never once starting an argument with him or any other youtuber. So this was LONG overdue for this guy. I figure “say it once and say it right.” This is something that this person has never experienced in his life.
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